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Costs and funding sources

Boy Reading on Cushions

Cost per student

The cost per student is shared between the districts, who pay for tutor wages, and NCEC, who makes an in-kind contribution. Government funding and private donors help increase our share and reduce overall costs. Our goal is to make it possible to give any student the help they need for a cost of less than $1,000 per school year.

State categorical funding

For districts using state categorical funds, prioritizing investments in student support is critical. To go through an ROI assessment, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has developed a customizable tool to help leaders finalize spending plans.

icon Dollar sign

State categorical funding codes

019 Small District Funding
031 Low Wealth District Funding
024 Disadvantaged Youth Funding
069 At-Risk Student Funding
085 Literacy Intervention Funding
050 Federal Title I Funding

College Student Tutor with Flash Card

Title I funding

If you are already operating a tutoring program within your schools, it will cost you nothing to partner with us. We will help you locate additional tutors, train them in the science of reading, small group tutoring, and more, as well as provide a data monitoring platform.

Alternative options

There are a number of other means to ensure funding for tutors. Grants, local funding, working with current tutors or TAs, and acquiring donations through individuals or businesses are some of the ways we have worked creatively with partners to fund high-impact tutoring. We welcome a conversation with you to work within the unique contours of your school or district.


Speak with your regional representative

To learn more about partnering with us to get more high-impact tutors in your school, and to speak with a regional representative, let us know a little about you, and we will contact you right away.

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