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Impact overview

NCEC accelerates student learning, engages local residents to support students, and, ultimately, benefits the communities our students and corps members call home. Discover the impact we made with partners in 2022-2023.

Since our 2020-21 launch


1,265 total corps members 
hired and trained


41 total districts served


22,000+ total students 

NCEC Coverage Map_3 Years
Partners during our first three years

Student growth

Early returns are promising. NCEC has partnered with the Duke Social Science Research Institute and the NC State Friday Institute for Educational Innovation to qualitatively and quantitatively measure NCEC’s impact, including tutor impact on student growth. 

Here’s a snapshot of student gains from two key districts:

Across all grades, NCEC students at Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools showed more need and greater growth than students in NC overall on 2022-23 literacy assessments from beginning to end of the year.

NC students
NCEC students

From kindergarten through grade 2, NCEC students in Guilford County Schools showed more need and greater growth than students in NC overall on 2022-23 literacy assessments from beginning to end of the year

NC students
NCEC students
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I had a kindergartner who was in the lowest level (we have 4 levels). This little girl went from the lowest level (DIBELS testing) and at the end of the year her teacher told me she scored in the highest level.


Debbie Lumpkins, Guilford County Schools

Employment and engagement

Summary statistics from the 2022-23 school year


Retention rate 
of corps members from 2022-23 to 2023-24


Average pay range $15–30 set by districts, depending on professional background of candidates


Average hours worked per week ranges from 10 to 29 hours


Agree that NCEC provides opportunities to make professional connections in public education

NCEC–district high-impact tutoring partnerships create a unique opportunity to employ and engage the local untapped workforce in meaningful, part-time work in service to schools and students.

We recruit, train, and support tutors from four primary backgrounds:

  • Retired educators
  • Parents, caregivers, and community members
  • University and community college students
  • Instructional assistants
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It’s been an amazing experience. Connecting with students is a big part of what I love about this job, because it’s not only about helping them advance. It’s also about building lasting connections that help them feel more confident in themselves.

Olivia Kersten, Corps Member and UNC-Chapel Hill Student

Community involvement


Many people want to support students and see their communities flourish but are not sure how to contribute. NCEC creates a clear opportunity.

NCEC tutors are members of the communities where they serve, actively supporting student success and investing in local schools. The efforts of over 1,000 tutors add value to schools by alleviating some of the burden that educators have in ensuring that students who are behind academically get the extra help they need to succeed.

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A student made a point to see me at the grocery store out of the local area. He ran up to me and hugged me. I met his mom, and he introduced me as the teacher who helps him learn to read. He has truly improved his reading skills and is reading more fluently. I enjoyed speaking to his mom and telling her of his accomplishments.

Darlene Hargerty, Stanly County Schools

Read the full 2022-23 Impact Report

Discover how NCEC accelerated student learning, engaged local residents to deliver high-impact tutoring, and, ultimately, benefitted the communities our students and tutors call home.

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